Jesus told believers to touch their world by starting where they are, making an impact in their “Jerusalem.” In Northlake’s Acts 1:8 Mission Model that means investing close to home. During the school year, we have several volunteers who serve at Weaver Elementary School, helping teachers and staff in a variety of ways. We work with students in reading, math, and other subjects as well as working with the school in community engagement projects. In time, we hope to develop an after-school program to be more intentional in sharing Christ with students and their families.
We also offer English as a Second Language (ESL)
classes during the school year, helping our community connect through a common language. Many refugees & immigrants come to this country without the ability to communicate; this ministry helps to fill in the gaps. ESL classes are offered weekly from 6:45 to 8:00 pm on Wednesdays. Check church calendar for details.
Northlake also partners with the Dallas Baptist Association (DBA) for local ministry engagement efforts, working with other area churches to impact Dallas and Rockwall counties.
Northlake fulfills this part of our Mission Model—what Jesus labeled “Judea”—traveling each summer to places like Port Arthur, Amarillo, and the Texas-Mexico border to share God’s love. Northlake has invested in hurricane clean-up, Vacation Bible School, door-to-door evangelism, an
d personal mission projects. For several years, we partnered with City Church in downtown Amarillo, where our volunteers prepared and delivered meals for 2,000+ children, presented VBS to local children, and helped to host a city-wide festival that ministers to hundreds of people—most of whom are either homeless or fiscally-impoverished.
We connect this portion of our mission model with ministry in the USA outside the Lone Star State. Each summer, we encourage members to take part in this Northlake BUILDS effort as we serve God’s Kingdom—often in physical construction projects. Over the years, this “Good Samaritan” partnership has led us to places like an inner-city church in Cincinnati, Ohio…
a Christian retreat center outside Cullman, Alabama…a Native American church in Oklahoma City…and a Christian camp in Citronnelle, Alabama. Mission teams have renovated parts of buildings, staffed VBS programs, hosted block parties, and invested resources to help both churches and ministry organizations serve their own communities. In 2021, we began a new partnership with Mission Texarkana, near the Texas-Arkansas border.