Northlake has a long history of strong Student Ministry—recognizing each participant’s uniqueness, while striving to create an atmosphere where all can grow in Christ-likeness. Students become part of this ministry area when they enter 6th grade, and continue through high school graduation. Read here about some of the ministries we offer and if you have any questions, please call (972.487.1293) to speak with our ministry staff or send an email. Preston Cave currently serves as our Interim Minister to Students while a Search Team prayerfully seeks to fill the role.
Our students meet every Sunday at 9:30 am
(except during the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s) in Northlake’s Youth Center for small group Bible study. Working in tandem with adult volunteers, our ministry staff and volunteers leads students to engage God’s Word on a personal level, helping them apply divine Truth to daily life. Friendships are formed around the table, as our leadership team uses discussion and explanation to strengthen (and challenge) students’ faith. Join us this week!
While students also have their own time of
worship on Wednesday nights, our primary opportunity for gathered praise is on Sunday mornings at 10:45 am. Join us in the main worship center for an exciting service where our staff and Praise Band lead us in a blend of contemporary and traditional music styles, while our Pastor guides us in the understanding and application of God’s Word. Corporate worship is central to biblical Christianity, so we invest ourselves in creating a place where all believers can come together in praise.
Our main venue for Student Ministry connection is found at ANCHORED (Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm in the Youth Center). Students gather for a time of worship and Bible study geared to them. Our leadership team may also incorporate games, special outings, group competitions, and service projects, but everything is centered on connecting with students, while their parents attend their own Bible study class (or choir rehearsal).
Typically, our Student Ministry takes a Fall Retreat in October or November, stepping back from hectic school-year schedules to refocus spiritually. Fall Fast Break, is a short respite (1-2 nights) designed to help students reconnect with Christ and other believers, using games, worship and fellowship to balance the busyness. In addition, students are encouraged to make time for
Disciple-Now, a discipleship themed weekend in the winter months. Church members open their homes to small groups of students, giving them a place to sleep and study after larger gatherings for worship, meals and a mission project. Students meet on Friday night at the church for a time of worship, outlining the weekend’s discipleship theme. Often, we will partner with other local churches, allowing us to book special bands and offer fun outings over the D-Now weekend. To find out more about either of these events, visit our Northlake Calendar or speak with our Student Ministry staff.
Each summer, students who demonstrate a clear
commitment to Christ and His Word have the opportunity to participate in a mission trip designed to build the Body beyond our walls. In the past, students have traveled to Port Arthur, Amarillo and the Texas-Mexico border, as well as states like Colorado, Oklahoma and Mississippi. Sometimes, this mission trip includes other members outside the Student Ministry–especially for trips farther from home. Each person must cover their own costs, though scholarships may be available. To find out more, talk with our Student Ministry staff.
Each summer, students are invited to attend, and bring their friends to exciting places like Latham Springs or Mt. Lebanon, taking the opportunity to step beyond the laziness (or busyness) of summer to build their relationship with Christ. Summer Camp is an intense week of physical activity, relational development and spiritual growth in a safe environment…set in the beauty of God’s creation. Camp has come a long way from what it used to be, offering an amazing list of recreational opportunities, but what matters most remains the same: Students encounter
Christ and are challenged to commit their lives to Him. Northlake often partners with other churches for Student Camp, giving students a chance to meet new people. To learn more about this year’s dates and plans, visit the Northlake Calendar or talk with our Student Ministry staff.